En estas dos conferencias IECON e ICELIE participé en varias actividades, pues colaboré casi desde el principio. Sobre todo ayude a elaborar los proceedings, y con tres artículos :

Grid-synchronization methods for power converters

Multilevel multiphase space vector PWM algorithm with switching state redundancy applied to three-phase converters

A course on dc-to-dc converters towards the ECTS using the b-learning methodology

Un cibersaludo oculto a todos los que nos gusta el vino verde, el oporto, la buena mesa portuguesa, la ciudad de Porto, los fados

In these two conferenceces: IECON and ICELIE I have participated helping in its organization, creating the proceedings and with three papers:

Grid-synchronization methods for power converters

Multilevel multiphase space vector PWM algorithm with switching state redundancy applied to three-phase converters

A course on dc-to-dc converters towards the ECTS using the b-learning methodology

A hidden ciber high-five to all those who loves vinho verde (green wine), porto wine, the great portuguese gastronomie, the Porto city and the fados